About Us

The 8th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering for Sustainability (IConCEES 2025) will be held on the 29th and 30th of September 2025 at Sunway Hotel Big Box, Iskandar Puteri, Johor, Malaysia. The two-day event is organised by the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM). IConCEES 2025 aims to gather experts from the industry and academia around the world to share new knowledge, good practices, and invaluable experiences for the attainment of a more sustainable Earth through engineering, science and technology.

Conference Theme:

Advancing Sustainability: Innovating an Eco-Centric Future With Engineering Excellence

Main Organiser

Download Brochure IConCEES 2023 IConCEES 2021

Call For Papers

Authors are cordially invited to submit previously unpublished research papers for presentation at our conference. Accepted papers will be published in a SCOPUS-indexed publication.

The scope of IConCEES 2025 shall include, but is not restricted by, the topics given below.

Conference Topics

Environment & Natural Resources

  • Bio-Engineering
  • Biomass and Biofuels
  • Climate Change Impacts
  • Eco-living
  • Energy Conservation
  • Environmental Remediation
  • Environmental Resource Management
  • Flood Mitigation
  • Green Spaces
  • Greenhouse Gas Abatement
  • Indoor Air Quality
  • Land Contamination
  • Natural Resources Sustainability
  • Photovoltaics
  • Pollution Mitigation and Control
  • Renewable Energy
  • River Conservation
  • Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
  • Sustainable Cities
  • Urban Hydrology and Hydraulics
  • Urbanisation and Sustainability
  • Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies

Buildings, Structures & Construction

  • Advanced Construction Materials
  • Building Forensics
  • Building Information Modelling
  • Composite Structures
  • Construction Waste Management
  • Energy Efficient Buildings
  • Green Buildings
  • Green Concrete Technology
  • Innovative Structural Systems
  • Modular Construction Systems
  • Recycling Waste into Construction Materials
  • Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures
  • Steel and Timber Structures
  • Structural Health Monitoring System
  • Sustainable Architectural Designs
  • Sustainable Construction Management
  • Sustainable Materials and Building Technologies
  • Technological Advancements in the Construction Industry

Transportation & Infrastructure

  • Advanced Pavement Materials
  • Applied Geomatics
  • Climate Resilient Infrastructure
  • Eco-driving
  • Electric Mobility
  • Geology and Geophysics
  • Geoinformatics in Disaster Management
  • Geotechnical Substructure Challenges
  • Geotechnics for Sustainable Development
  • Green Infrastructure
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • Land and Soil Management
  • Low Carbon Travel
  • Pavement Recycling
  • Problematic Soils Remediation
  • Road and Rail Infrastructure
  • Road and Transport Safety
  • Smart Technologies in Traffic Control
  • Slope Monitoring
  • Sustainable Transportation
  • Tunnel Engineering and Construction

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Dr. Sugiman Sugiman

University of Mataram, Indonesia

Prof. Ts. Dr. Norzila Othman

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

Dato' Ir. Dr. Mohd Asbi Othman

Managing Director
Mohd Asbi Associates Sdn. Bhd.

Important Dates

17 Feb

Call for papers and registration opens

30 Apr

Last day to submit full paper

30 Jun

Notification of acceptance

1 Aug

Last day to submit camera-ready paper and register

15 Aug

Last day to pay fees

29, 30 Sep

IConCEES 2025 takes place

For Authors

Paper Submission Guidelines

  1. An author wishing to present in IConCEES 2025 will create a document consisting of a complete description of his/her ideas and applicable research results in ten (10) to twelve (12) pages only, including all text, figures and references. An additional cost of RM200 / USD50 per page will be imposed for papers exceeding the limit of twelve (12) pages.
  2. A maximum of two (2) papers may be submitted by the same first author. If the same first author submits two (2) papers, a supplementary publication fee is due for the additional paper.
  3. Papers should be formatted according to the Guidelines described here. All papers must be written in English and submitted in portable document format (.pdf) for both the review process and camera-ready (final manuscript) submission.
  4. Papers submitted for presentation and publication must strictly follow the appointed publisher's paper format.
  5. Accepted papers must be presented at IConCEES 2025 by one of the authors, or, if none of the authors are able to attend, by a qualified surrogate. The presenter must register for IConCEES 2025 at one of the rates offered, and must register before the deadline given for author registration. Failure to register before the deadline will result in automatic withdrawal of your paper from the conference proceedings and program.
  6. The paper must be an original contribution. By submitting a manuscript to IConCEES 2025, the author guarantees that it has not been previously published (or accepted for publication) in substantially similar form. Furthermore, no paper that contains significant overlap with the contributions of this paper either has been or will be submitted during the IConCEES 2025 review period to any other journal or conference.
  7. The Corresponding Author shall fill and submit the Author Declaration Form (download below) once the camera-ready paper is submitted to the conference paper management system.
  8. Author Declaration Form

Paper Template

  1. Authors shall prepare their papers according to the template provided in the link below. The template contains instructions for the preparation of your paper.
  2. Papers that do not comply with the prescribed format will be rejected.
  3. Paper Template

Paper Review Process

  1. Papers submitted will be pre-screened for conformity with submission guidelines and for overall appropriateness. Papers that pass the initial screening process will then be double-blind reviewed.
  2. The double-blind peer review process is employed to ensure that both authors and reviewers remain anonymous during the review process. Expert specialists within the fields of Civil and Environmental Engineering will be selected to perform the reviews.
  3. This process will take place prior to the presentation at IConCEES 2025 and the publication of the proceedings. Authors will receive feedback in the form of a peer review report. The paper peer review process and the outcomes presented in the review reports will be monitored and verified by the Editorial Committee.

Paper Publication

  1. Accepted papers presented at IConCEES 2025 will be published in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (ISSN: 1755-1315) that is indexed by Scopus, Clarivate Web Of Science (WoS) Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (CPCI-S), Ei Compendex, EBSCO Discovery Service, SCite, NASA Astrophysics Data System, British Library Services, and others.
  2. Check Scopus Indexing Status
  3. Publication of papers in the proceedings is conditioned on a positive assessment by Reviewers and the Publisher.
  4. Failure to present at IConCEES 2025 will result in the automatic withdrawal of your paper from the conference proceedings.
  5. The Publisher has the right to reject papers that do not conform with the theme of the proceedings. If your paper is rejected for this reason, our committee will contact you and suggest an alternative publication. An additional publication fee may be required in some cases.

For Presenters

Presenter Guidelines

Presenters must adhere to the following guidelines that have been designed to assist you in preparing an effective presentation for IConCEES 2025.

Duration of Presentation

  1. Your presentation slot includes 10 minutes of oral presentation assisted by PowerPoint slides, and 5 minutes of questions and answers hosted by the Session Chair.
  2. The Session Chair will strictly enforce the time limit on your presentation. It is recommended that you time your presentation to be one or two minutes shorter than the allocated time, to allow for the change-over time and introduction. For this, you may prepare roughly 10 slides, excluding the title and acknowledgement slides.

Modes of Presentation

  1. On-site Presentation: Presenters will present their papers in-person at the conference venue.
  2. Virtual Presentation: If you are not able to present your paper physically, you may choose to present via live video conferencing or recorded video (for further instructions, click here). Please indicate that you will be presenting virtually (online) when you register and submit your paper.

Preparation of Presentation Slides

  1. Your oral presentation must be accompanied by Microsoft PowerPoint slides. Please prepare a maximum of ten (10) slides, excluding the title and acknowledgement slides. This is to ensure that your oral presentation does not exceed the time limit.
  2. Special attention must be paid to: the font size chosen (i.e. no smaller than 20 point), the choice of colour scheme for the background and text, avoiding text-heavy slides, avoiding injudicious use of object builds (animations) and slide transitions, and keeping your presentation as simple as possible to avoid hardware and software conflicts. Audio and video files cause the most problems, so avoid using them.

Uploading Your Powerpoint File

All presentations must run on Windows operating system. Your PowerPoint file must be submitted before the conference via the following link. Presenters are not allowed to use their own laptops, so as to avoid possible technical glitches.

Submit Powerpoint File

Presentation Schedules

Please watch this space. The presentation schedules will be uploaded a few weeks before the conference begins.

Virtual Presentation

  1. For those who have opted to present virtually, you will be allocated a slot to present your paper either by submitting a recorded video or conducting a live video conferencing via Google Meet during the online technical sessions that will be held on 29th September 2025. If you are presenting more than one paper, you will be given multiple slots.
  2. Presenters who choose to present using recorded videos will have to submit their video (8-10 minutes long) before the conference at the following link. Please join your online technical session and be on standby in case there are questions from the audience.
  3. Submit Recorded Video
  4. As for those who will be presenting via live video conferencing (Google Meet), the time given for each oral presentation is a maximum of ten (10) minutes.
  5. The Q&A session will be conducted immediately after each presentation. A maximum of five (5) minutes will be allocated for each Q&A session.
  6. Your oral presentation must be accompanied by Microsoft PowerPoint slides. Please prepare a maximum of ten (10) slides. This is to ensure that your oral presentation does not exceed the time limit.
  7. When preparing your presentation slides, special attention must be paid to the font size chosen (i.e. no smaller than 20 pt), the choice of colour scheme for the background and text, avoiding text-heavy slides, avoiding injudicious use of object builds (animations) and slide transitions, and keeping your presentation as simple as possible.
  8. Your PowerPoint file must be submitted before the conference via the following link.
  9. Submit Powerpoint File
  10. All authors of the paper submitted for publication must agree in full to the terms of the licence stated in the Author Declaration Form that can be downloaded below. The corresponding author must fill, sign and submit the Author Declaration Form at the link provided below.
  11. Download Author Declaration Form Submit Author Declaration Form
  12. Live presentations will be conducted via Google Meet on 29th September 2025. Thus, all presenters will have to install the app to their personal computer, laptop or tablet, and get accustomed to the app. Use the following links to enter your rooms.


Organising Committee

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nor Hazurina Othman

Deputy Chairpersons:
Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Rafidah Hamdan
Ir. Ts. Dr. Tong Yean Ghing

Dr. Zalipah Jamellodin
Dr. Siti Hidayah Abu Talib

Ts. Dr. Rosnawati Buhari
Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Mohd Khaidir Abu Talib

Dr. Junaidah Jailani

Technical & Logistics:
Dr. Mohd Azuan Zakaria

Special Functions:
Dr. Noor Azlina Abdul Hamid

Creative Design:
Dr. Basil David Daniel

International Scientific Committee

Prof. Dr. Takenori Hino
Saga University, Japan

Prof. Dr. Ashraf Ashour
University of Bradford, United Kingdom

Prof. Dr. Fatmawati
Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Daisuke Tanikawa
National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Japan

Prof. Dr. Eng. Ir. Rendy Thamrin
Universitas Andalas, Indonesia

Prof. Ir. Ts. Dr. Mohd Irwan Juki
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

Prof. Eur. Ing. Ts. Dr. Shahiron Shahidan
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jaan Pu
University of Bradford, United Kingdom

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Rita Irmawaty
Universitas Hasanudin, Indonesia

Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Afizah Ayob
Universiti Malaysia Perlis

Dr. Pham Nhu Nguyet
Vietnam National University, Vietnam

Datuk Ts. Dr. Sivakumar Chinnasamy
CSK Murni Services Sdn. Bhd.

Dato' Ir. Dr. Mohd Asbi Othman
Mohd Asbi Associates Sdn. Bhd.

Ir. Ts. Gs. Br. Lim Juin Khye
Wing Tai Property Management Sdn. Bhd.

Ir. Ts. Mohd Faiz Shapiai
Public Works Department, Malaysia

Ir. Ts. Syahirah Md. Amin
MRT Corporation Sdn. Bhd.

Ts. Dr. Norbazlan Mohd Yusof
Projek Lebuhraya Utara Selatan (PLUS) Berhad

Ar. Adrianta Aziz
Lembaga Arkitek Malaysia

Ts. Bryan Ewe Teik Tsia
MES Innovation Sdn. Bhd.

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