Langkawi, Malaysia
18 and 19 September 2024

Presentation Guidelines

Presenters must adhere to the following guidelines that have been designed to assist you in preparing an effective presentation for ISCEE 2024.

Duration of Presentation

  1. Your presentation slot includes 10 minutes of oral presentation assisted by PowerPoint slides, and 5 minutes of questions and answers hosted by the Session Chair.
  2. The Session Chair will strictly enforce the time limit on your presentation. It is recommended that you time your presentation to be one or two minutes shorter than the allocated time, to allow for the change-over time and introduction. For this, you may prepare roughly 10 slides, excluding the title and acknowledgement slides.

Modes of Presentation

  1. Onsite Presentation: Presenters will present their papers in-person at the conference venue.
  2. Virtual Presentation: If you are not able to present your paper physically, you may choose to present via live video conferencing or recorded video (for further instructions, click here). Please indicate that you will be presenting virtually (online) when you register and submit your paper.

Preparation of Presentation Slides

  1. Your oral presentation must be accompanied by Microsoft PowerPoint slides. Please prepare a maximum of ten (10) slides, excluding the title and acknowledgement slides. This is to ensure that your oral presentation does not exceed the time limit.
  2. Special attention must be paid to: the font size chosen (i.e. no smaller than 20 point), the choice of colour scheme for the background and text, avoiding text-heavy slides, avoiding injudicious use of object builds (animations) and slide transitions, and keeping your presentation as simple as possible to avoid hardware and software conflicts. Audio and video files cause the most problems, so avoid using them.

Uploading Your Powerpoint File

All presentations must run on Windows operating system. Your PowerPoint file must be uploaded before the conference via the following link. Kindly upload according to your Room and Parallel Session (see schedules below). Presenters are not allowed to use their own laptops, so as to avoid possible technical glitches.

Presentation Schedules

The presentation schedules will be published a few weeks before the event begins. Please watch this space.

Virtual Presentation

  1. For those who have opted to present virtually, you will be allocated a slot to present your paper either by submitting a recorded video or conducting a live video conferencing via Microsoft Teams during the online technical sessions that will be held on 19 September 2024. If you are presenting more than one paper, you will be given multiple slots.
  2. Presenters who choose to present using recorded videos will have to upload their video (8-10 minutes long) before the conference at the following link. Please be on standby in case there are questions from the audience.
  3. As for those who will be presenting via live video conferencing (Microsoft Teams), the time given for each oral presentation is a maximum of ten (10) minutes.
  4. The Q&A session will be conducted immediately after each presentation. A maximum of five (5) minutes will be allocated for each Q&A session.
  5. Your oral presentation must be accompanied by Microsoft PowerPoint slides. Please prepare a maximum of ten (10) slides. This is to ensure that your oral presentation does not exceed the time limit.
  6. When preparing your presentation slides, special attention must be paid to the font size chosen (i.e. no smaller than 20 pt), the choice of colour scheme for the background and text, avoiding text-heavy slides, avoiding injudicious use of object builds (animations) and slide transitions, and keeping your presentation as simple as possible.
  7. Your PowerPoint file must be uploaded before the conference via the following link. Kindly upload according to your Room Number (see schedules above).
  8. All authors of the paper submitted for publication must agree in full to the terms of the licence stated in the Author Declaration Form that can be downloaded below. The corresponding author must fill, sign and submit the Author Declaration Form at the link provided below.
  9. Live presentations will be conducted via Microsoft Teams. Thus, all presenters will have to install the app to their personal computer, laptop or tablet, and get accustomed to the app. Use the following links to enter your rooms.