For Presenters

Presenter Guidelines

Presenters must adhere to the following guidelines that have been designed to assist you in preparing an effective presentation for GCoMSE 2021.

Presentation via Video Conferencing

  1. Presentations during the GCoMSE 2021 technical sessions will be conducted virtually using Google Meet.
  2. Each presenter will be allocated a slot to present their paper orally during the technical sessions. If you are presenting more than one paper, you will be given multiple slots.
  3. Presenters will have to present their paper live during the GCoMSE 2021 online technical sessions. Recorded presentations are not allowed.

Duration of Presentation

  1. The time given for each oral presentation is a maximum of eight (8) minutes.
  2. The question and answer (Q & A) session will be conducted immediately after each presentation. A maximum of five (5) minutes will be allocated for each Q & A session.
  3. Kindly note that the session Chairperson will strictly enforce the time limit on your presentation.

Preparation of Presentation Slides

  1. Your oral presentation must be accompanied by Microsoft PowerPoint slides. Please prepare a maximum of ten (10) slides, excluding the title and acknowledgement slides. This is to ensure that your oral presentation does not exceed the time limit.
  2. Special attention must be paid to: the font size chosen (i.e. no smaller than 20 point), the choice of colour scheme for the background and text, avoiding text-heavy slides, avoiding injudicious use of object builds (animations) and slide transitions, and keeping your presentation as simple as possible to avoid hardware and software conflicts. Audio and video files cause the most problems, so avoid using them.

Uploading Your PowerPoint File

Presenters will have to upload their PowerPoint file (.ppt or .pptx) prior to the congress. Kindly upload your PowerPoint file and provide us with all relevant details via the following link.

Communication Platform For GCoMSE 2021

Presenters are required to join our Telegram channel in order to obtain all the latest updates and communicate with our Secretariat during the congress.

Presentation Schedules

Congratulations to authors whose papers have been accepted for presentation at GCoMSE 2021. The presentation schedules are provided below. Kindly note that these schedules may be subject to change. Therefore, presenters are advised to refer to these schedules in real-time.

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